Information management


‘ To drive a standardised approach for building information management during project design and construction, and create the baseline for effective facilities management. 
Ultimately, this will unlock shared value and benefits and improve the quality and performance of the public sector assets we deliver and maintain.’


The Standard Information Management Plan provides a common approach to embed robust information management processes within infrastructure projects, using building information modelling (BIM). When we create information on infrastructure projects efficiently, and leverage supporting digital technologies to manage and share it, the resulting lifecycle benefits for asset operational management and maintenance can be significant.

The resource has been developed through significant industry consultation and contribution and is aligned with BS EN ISO 19650 international industry standards and the UK BIM Framework guidance. It has three primary objectives:

  1. Support a consistent approach in how Scotland public sector clients / contracting authorities specify their project and asset information requirements, including how they are delivered and managed.
  2. Enable the delivery of accurate as-built digital information models and operations and maintenance information to support lifecycle asset management.
  3. Comply and align with new international standards in the adoption of building information management using BIM.

The plan is made up of three constituent parts which includes a client dashboard, project workbooks, and supplementary delivery templates. Additionally, there are national and programme level resources to support its implementation on projects, all of which can be accessed via the subnavigation.

Get involved

Scottish Futures Trust would like to thank all stakeholders, partners and content providers for their continued support and feedback to help evolve the Standard Information Management Plan resource. If you would like to be involved or want to know more about this work, please get in touch with us via the Contact page.


We would like to acknowledge the following companies who have worked with us to develop the resource versions.

Acknowledgements - Baker Hicks and Digital Guerilla