SIMP version 1
The Standard information management plan version 1 (SIMP) was released in July 2020 and initially deployed on the Scottish Governments £2bn Learning Estates Investment Programme (LEIP).
It was developed as a practical resource to help contracting authorities transition away from the then UK BIM level 2 standard towards the newly released BS EN ISO 19650: 1 and 2 international standards, and to support Scottish public sector clients specify, receive and manage their project and asset information requirements through a consistent, digital Building Information Modelling (BIM) delivery process.

The SFT BIM portal was updated with supplementary guidance and advice for the Scottish public sector and construction industry. This can still be accessed on our Resources page.
The SIMP version 1 provided clients with a set of resources to help navigate and establish their information management strategy at an organisational and project level. This included a client navigation dashboard, a step-by step guidance document and a template scope of services to enable the appointment of client side information management expertise to support the SIMP deployment on LEIP projects.

From the outset SFT provided support to the LEIP contracting authorities and their project teams to ensure a smooth adoption process and to capture feedback and lessons learnt for other projects. The valuable feedback was also used to inform further development of the resource.