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Plant room

Master Asset List

The master asset list and mapping resource has been developed with industry expertise to provide a consistent approach for asset identification, grading, classification assignment and OpenBIM data exchange, using Uniclass and Industry Foundation Class (IFC) standards.

The resource is openly available for use by Scottish public sector clients and project delivery teams when adopting the Standard information management plan and using Autodesk Revit software. It consists of:

The master asset database contains over 400+ maintainable assets, which are typically installed within public sector buildings in Scotland. The database is centrally hosted on Airtable which can be accessed here.

The file contains the master asset list and associated data values which can be imported into your project BIM model(s) to populate asset-specific 3D objects. The file is compatible with Autodesk Revit software and the Standardised Data Tool add-in. Further information is contained with the guidance documentation.  If you would like a copy for your project please request via the Contact page.

A step-by-step guide to support the master asset database use, classification mapping assignment and IFC model export on your project model. You can download this here.

Before using the Master asset list please refer to the SFT disclaimer here.

The master list resource is version controlled and subject to an industry peer review every 6 months. Following each review the list may be updated for the following reasons:

  • aligned changes to NBS Uniclass table updates,
  • the addition of new asset types,
  • any user feedback.

Previous verions of the master asset list can be requested via the Contact page.